Somewhere Over the Rainbow...Peace.

Somewhere Over the Rainbow...Peace.
The lyrics of the song were written by Yip Harbug, the son of Russian-Jewish immigrants. The music was written by Harold Arlen, a Jew whose family immigrated from Lithuania. When you apply this song to the Jewish people and the Holocaust the song takes on a whole new meaning. It seems that our world is once again on the edge of dark times. This song reminds us that though we face uncertain events, we still hold onto hope and faith.
Original Canvas Medium: Acrylic. Pricing and availability provided upon request.
Image Also Available in a 16”x16” Gi’Clee Paper Print, Unframed
Print Details + Specifications
Print sizes include image area plus a 2” white paper border all around.
Each print is museum quality and printed on archival paper.
Custom sizes are available upon request.
Want the original?
In select cases, the original canvas may still be available for purchase (although temporarily hanging in an exhibit). If you’re interested in the original large-format piece, please contact the artist to inquire directly by clicking here.