Horseshoes with Halos

Horseshoes with Halos
This is a twist on what the baseball player Frank Robinson said in 1935, which was ” Close doesn’t count in baseball. Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades." You receive points in horseshoes for coming close even if your horseshoe doesn't circle the post and fall at its foot. Likewise, you inflict injuries with a grenade that lands close but misses the exact target. The proverb uses "only," however. And this indicates that you get no credit for "almost" achieving your goal in any endeavor outside of horseshoes and grenades.
This is a game of horseshoes with halos: an attempt to do the right thing even though we sometimes fall short.
Original Canvas Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Image Also Available in a 16”x16” Gi’Clee Paper Print, Unframed
Print Details + Specifications
Print sizes include image area plus a 2” white paper border all around.
Each print is museum quality and printed on archival paper.
Custom sizes are available upon request.
Want the original?
In select cases, the original canvas may still be available for purchase (although temporarily hanging in an exhibit). If you’re interested in the original large-format piece, please contact the artist to inquire directly by clicking here.